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Automated Daily Email Reports (Script for email automation)

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The "Automated Daily Email Reports" script is a Python program designed to automate the process of sending daily email reports to a specified recipient. It utilizes the smtplib library for email sending and the schedule library for task scheduling. By following the instructions provided in the script, users can set up a scheduled task that sends a predefined email message at a specified time each day.

Key Components:

  1. Email Configuration: The script begins by defining the email configuration, including the sender's email address (from_email), sender's password (password), recipient's email address (to_email), and the subject of the email (subject). Additionally, the email message content (message) is specified.
  2. MIME Message Creation: The script utilizes the email.mime modules to create a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) message. This message format allows for the inclusion of both plain text and HTML content, as well as attachments. The sender's and recipient's email addresses, subject, and message content are added to the MIME message.
  3. SMTP Server Connection and Email Sending: The script establishes a connection to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server using the smtplib.SMTP class. The server's address and port are specified (e.g., '', 587), and a secure connection is initiated using starttls(). The sender's email address and password are used to authenticate with the SMTP server.Once the connection is established, the script uses the sendmail method to send the MIME message to the recipient's email address. The message is converted to a string using msg.as_string() before being sent. After sending the email, the script gracefully disconnects from the SMTP server using quit().
  4. Task Scheduling: The schedule library is employed to schedule the execution of the send_daily_report function. The schedule.every()"08:00").do(send_daily_report) statement specifies that the function should be executed every day at 8:00 AM. Users can modify the time according to their desired schedule.
  5. Continuous Task Execution: The script enters a continuous loop using while True:. During each iteration of the loop, the schedule.run_pending() function checks if there are any pending tasks scheduled to be executed. This function call ensures that the send_daily_report function is triggered at the specified time.


  1. Users need to provide their email credentials (from_email and password) and specify the recipient's email address (to_email).
  2. Customize the email subject and content in the subject and message variables, respectively.
  3. Adjust the scheduled time for sending the daily report using the schedule.every()"08:00") statement.
  4. Run the script using the command python in the terminal.
  5. The script will execute the send_daily_report function at the scheduled time, sending the specified email content to the recipient's email address.


  • Ensure that the smtplib and schedule libraries are installed using pip install smtplib schedule before running the script.
  • It's important to use secure methods for managing email credentials, such as environment variables, rather than hardcoding them in the script.

This script offers a straightforward and customizable solution for automating the process of sending daily email reports, saving users time and effort in manually composing and sending these emails each day.

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Automated Daily Email Reports (Script for email automation)

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